by Jesse Slome, American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance
July 1, 2024 Updated – Verified AAMSI

Who Is MedicareAgentsHub – Are They Part of the Association?

The website MedicareAgentsHub appears to have been launched in early 2023. The Association has had a directory going back to the 2000s. Agents listed on the Association’s directory of local agents started calling us with questions. With that in mind, we provide the following information.

  • Why does the Association offer an online directory?
  • Who is Medicareagentshub?
  • Should I accept the free listing?
  • Is it worth paying for a listing?
  • What questions should I ask?
  • Is there a way to ‘test’ potential results?
  • Can you share data about the Association’s agent directory?

Who Is MedicareAgentsHubINTRODUCTORY MESSAGE from Jesse Slome, director of the American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance (AAMSI).

AAMSI launched an online directory where consumers could find local Medicare agents BECAUSE as our website gained online visibility more consumers contacted us.

Yes, it now generates income. I don’t mind having someone build a better mousetrap. And I’m glad to see (as of the first post, March 20, 2023) that they’ve removed some of the misleading info pulled directly from the Association’s website.

But, to answer questions I’m frequently being asked, here are some answers. And, for those who want real data – we post the most recent pertinent facts below.

What Is The Association’s Find A Medicare Agent Directory?

The American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance was initially created to organize and run an annual industry conference. We sold the conference in 2022. It is not called Medicarians.

Because Google started ranking our site, we would get calls from seniors seeking Medicare insurance agents. We don’t sell Medicare insurance so we started a free online directory. Agents pay a nominal (we think) fee to be listed. About half begin with a 1-year listing for $185 ($15 a month). We get about 12,000 to 15,000 monthly visitors to our website. Traffic during AEP is always higher.

Who Is

Initially we didn’t know. But last week I spoke with their representative. He explained they are owned by a private equity investor. That’s why there is no specific entity identified on their website. That isn’t necessarily bad. They are investing money and that’s good. And personally I’m glad to see that they are now posting agent testimonials.

Should I Accept The Free Listing?

Absolutely! My mom didn’t raise a fool and free is good. First, being listed could generate a lead. But, if nothing else, if you have a website, Google will spot the link. That can only help with your own Search Engine Optimization.

Is It Worth Paying For A Listing?

That is the real question. When we set the price for the Association’s directory, we set $289 as the cost for a 2-year listing.

I decided that if the listing generated 1 sale over 2 years, it paid for itself. Of course, some agents tell me they get many more sales than just one. But, we know that other agents don’t get even one.  Click the link to Read Medicare Agent Testimonials.

MedicareAgentsHub is charging a lot more. So far, they make a lot of claims about being found and being the #1 result. But PERFORMANCE is the ONLY REAL TEST. So far, they do not post any testimonials from listed agents.

Is There A Way To Test Potential Results?

Yes. Simply pull up Google. Enter the following words “Medicare Agents Near Me” and look at the results under the paid (or sponsored) ads.

Most people still use Google for searches. A few do use Bing. But most of us use Google.

If you see at the top of the organic results – that’s the Association’s directory. Consumers looking for local Medicare insurance agents will see us to. That’s why we get lots of website visitors.

Data Comparing The Two Websites

It’s easy to claim “WE ARE THE BEST” and “WE ARE #1”. But, fortunately there are independent websites that analyze websites. How they rank. How many people actually access the website.

WEBSITE TRAFFIC: Here is a screenshot taken today (July 1, 2024) that shows the actual website traffic. We get more. Does that mean our agents get more leads from being listed. Can’t tell or promise that. But traffic is certainly important.

Compare Medicareagentshub July 2024-2










RANKING OF KEYWORDS: Keywords are what consumers type into Google when doing searches. The charts below are directly from the website They analyze websites for key data results. On July 1, 2024 we compared both websites.

This chart shows MEDICARESUPP.ORG’s positions for key search terms consumers type into Google. For Medicare we rank #2 and #3. That is awesome. For what it’s worth – we used to rank #1. I will have to work harder to get back to #1!

who is Medicareagentshub-2











This chart shows MEDICAREAGENTSHUB’s positions for key search terms on Google. Being ranked lower matters.

who Is Medicareagentshub-1











This chart from 2023 shows keywords for the Association’s website. We held the #1 position for key words that matter for agents looking to be found. Is Medicareagentshub worth it










Chart 2 shows keyword results for (March 20, 2023). It speaks for itself. At least for now. We’ve built our website traffic over many years.

Who ranks for find Medicare agents

WEBSITE TRAFFIC: This is how many people visit a website over a specific period of time. The

Website traffic Medicaresupp.orgThe Association’s website gets nearly 27,000 visitors a month (report pulled March 20, 2023).

Again, this data comes directly from the website They don’t have any number for MedicareAgentsHub.

There are other ways to show the data. We shared the Association’s Google Analytics data.

Click the link to see more of our commentary on should I add a listing on Medicareagentshub.

Again, we will never tell people how to spend their money. But we want to share information designed to make you a better buyer.