Find Local Medicare Agents
A series of marketing tools designed to support awareness efforts undertaken by local Medicare Supplement agents is being made available from the American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance.
“To support the growth of Medicare Supplement insurance sales we are making available a series of generic tools that can be used by agents listed on the Association’s online agent directory,” announced Jesse Slome, director of the American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance (AAMSI).
The organization’s Find A Local Medicare Supplement Agent online directory is the leading national resource used by consumers to connect with Medicare insurance agents in their region.
“Consumers who want to connect with a local Medicare insurance agents for information and price comparisons are using the directory daily,” Slome noted. Access is free of charge and unlike other informational resources, consumers do not need to enter any personal information in order to access the national resource.
In anticipation of the start of the 2017 Medicare Open Enrollment season, the Association plans to produce a series of marketing tools that agents can utilize to support their own local awareness efforts. “We believe an educated consumer is an insurance agent’s best prospect and potential client,” Slome notes. “Our focus has always been on providing relevant information that consumers want and need to know.”
Medicare Open Enrollment runs from October 15 through December 7 in 2017. “During OEP the Association’s website receives greatly increased traffic as consumers seek answers and local experts,” Slome concludes. “We expect this year to be the busiest ever.”
The Association created the online directory of local Medicare agents to satisfy the needs of consumers seeking to connect with local agents. “Over 500 agents added their listing in the first six months since we launched the improved Zip Code look-up,” Slome notes. Agents interested in learning more and reading testimonials from agents currently listed online can go to
To find local Medicare Supplement insurance agents visit the Association’s website at for more information. Based in Los Angeles, AAMSI advocates for sound Medicare insurance planning and supports insurance agents nationally who offer Medicare insurance products.