Medicare Agents Philadelphia Pennsylvania can help you find the best Medicare plan option and costs. The lowest rate for a woman turning age 65 is $127.67 monthly for Medigap Plan G. The highest rate for identical Plan G coverage is $232.30. Find a local Philadelphia Medicare insurance agent who can help you compare plans.
Access the directory listing Philadelphia Medicare Agents hosted by the Association. Ask them the following questions to assure you are getting the best options for your needs and budget.
- Where are you located?
- Do you sell both Medicare Advantage and Medigap plans?
- How many different plans are you appointed with?
- Can you help me with Medicare drug plan coverage?
- How many years have you been selling Medicare plan options.
We’ll explain why these are important questions for you to ask.
Medicare Insurance Costs – Plan G and N (2023)
It is important to compare costs before you pick an option. The following are actual comparisons of costs for Medicare Supplement insurance (Medigap). We compare Plan G which is the #1 selection among those turning age 65 and picking Medigap coverage. Plan N is the #2 choice because it is cheaper.
Philadelphia Woman Turning Age 65 (March 2023) – Zip Code, 19050 –
Medigap Plan G
Lowest Monthly Premium: $127.67
Highest Monthly Premium: $232.30
Medigap Plan N
Lowest Monthly Premium: $97.58
Highest Monthly Premium: $184.00
Costs For A Man Turning 65 (Philadelphia, PA, Zip 19050)
Medigap Plan G
Lowest Monthly Premium: $143.50
Highest Monthly Premium: $257.85
Medigap Plan N
Lowest Monthly Premium: $109.75
Highest Monthly Premium: $211.00
Philadelphia Seniors Have Many Medicare Insurance Companies To Choose From
The following are some of the different insurance companies offering Medicare Supplement coverage in Philadelphia, PA.
- Ace Property
- AARP, Insured by UnitedHealthcare
- Aetna Health Insurance Company
- Aflac
- Allstate Health Solutions
- Bankers Fidelity
- Cigna National Health
- Globe Life
- Guarantee Trust Life
- Humana Insurance Company
- Medico Insurance
Medicare Advantage Plans For Pennsylvania
- In 2023, there are 262 Medicare Advantage (MA) plans available in Pennsylvania.
- That compared to 240 MA plans in 2022.
- 100% of Medicare beneficiaries have access to a zero premium Medicare Advantage plan.
- The average Medicare Advantage monthly premium in 2022 is $30.05, a decrease from 2021.
How To Find The Best Medicare Advantage Plan
Seniors will have several options based on where you live. That’s why it is helpful to ask the insurance agent you speak with if they offer both Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement plans.
Here are things to think about before selecting a plan.
- What is the monthly premium: This is the amount you will pay for coverage monthly, regardless of the care you receive. You may need to pay your plan’s premium in addition to the Medicare Part B premium. You may want to compare a plan with $0 premium costs.
- Ask about the plan’s network: Does the plan require that you use doctors and providers who are within a plan’s network. Check if the plan offers out-of-network coverage. Find out specifically what the cost will be. It is usually higher.
- Is there a plan deductible: Medicare Advantage plans may have deductibles. These may change only once per year on January 1st but can be important.
- Copayments, coinsurance and out-of-pocket maximums: Copayments or coinsurance are how much you pay for each service or doctor’s visit, such as $20 per doctor visit. Each Medicare Advantage Plan sets the amounts that can differ from what you would pay through Original Medicare.
- No-cost additional coverages: Today, the vast majority of Medicare Advantage Plans also provide prescription drug coverage. Many include additional benefits that Original Medicare won’t cover, such as vision, dental, and hearing. The benefits can differ significantly so it pays to shop around.
Medicare Agents Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Find Medicare Agents Philadelphia Pennsylvania using the Association’s directory. It is free and 100% private.

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