Find Medicare Agents Near Me - #1Directory

Author: Jesse Slome, Director, American Association for Medicare
Reviewed: June 26, 2024

Medicare Agents Near Me

Medicare Agents Near MeWhy search for Medicare agents near me? How do I find the best local Medicare agents? Here are 5 simple questions to ask to find the best Medicare insurance agents to work with:

  • Are you a Medicare agent or broker?
  • How many years have you been selling Medicare insurance plans?
  • Do you sell both Medicare Advantage and Medigap plans?
  • Can you share the names of the 3 plans you sell most often?
  • Where are you located? Near me or in a Call Center?

Medicare is a national program. But Medicare plan choices are typically local. And, that’s a key reason it pays to speak with at least one experienced local Medicare insurance agent.

The American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance makes available the #1 independent national directory. You only need to enter your Zip Code. NO personal information is added or collected. We know the last thing you want (or need) is relentless calls from sales people.

To Find A Good Medicare Plan – Start With The Right Agent

There are likely 100,000 licensed insurance agents across the U.S. who CAN sell you a Medicare plan. But here’s what is important to you.

  • Some only sell plans from one company. They are legally called agents.
  • Many only sell one type of coverage. Maybe they only sell Medicare Advantage plans. Or, only Medicare Supplement, also called Medigap.
  • They may be working in a Call Center. Many have goals to push one plan or another.
  • There could be only 4 insurers offering Medigap where you live. Or, there could be 20-plus.
  • Comparison shopping is vital to getting the right coverage.
  • Sometimes Medicare and insurers allow you to switch. But NOT always.

What do we mean when we say “start with the right agent?”

Medicare Agents Near Me CaliforniaEstablished in 1998, the American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance exists primarily to advocate for smarter buying. We conduct research that we publish freely online. We do not get support from any insurers. This website is paid for by fees paid by agents listed on our directory. That’s full disclosure.

Comparison shopping means two things to us (and you):

  1. Comparing plans, benefits, costs and ability to switch BEFORE buying.
  2. Checking out the experience and breadth of coverage from any agent you buy from.

Choosing the right Medicare plan can be confusing and complex. Don’t those TV ads make it sound simple? It isn’t.

You can’t possibly check out all the plans available to you. Trust us, you just can’t.

So, you really ant someone who can be trusted to know more about this than you. And that’s why picking the right Medicare insurance professional to work with is going to be your most important decision.

Interviewing Medicare Agents Near Me

Forget the word interview. We used it to set the tone. You merely want to ask some simple questions. Any insurance agent should be more than willing to answer them without being offended. Here are the four questions. And, the answers you should be looking for.

  1. How long have you been selling Medicare plans? Nothing against new agents. They could be hungrier to make you happy. Indeed they may work harder. But it’s a fair question for something this important. Experience can matter. As we said, Medicare is complex.
  2. Do you sell BOTH Medicare Advantage and Medigap? Some will do only one. They’ll have their reasons that they’ll undoubtedly share. Their answer will tell you if you need to add another person to speak with.
  3. If you are speaking to the agent over the phone or Internet, ask “Where are you physically located?” Some agents work from offices. Many today work from home. Lots are working in large call centers. Each have their pros and cons. But, we believe you will benefit from speaking to at least one local Medicare insurance agent, knowing who is actually local matters.
  4. Which Medicare insurance companies do you mostly sell? Save this question until you feel comfortable working with the agent. Why are you asking? Because no agent sell plans from every insurer or health care provider. They may favor UnitedHealthcare (the AARP offering). Or Aetna (CVS) another big player. But Anthem (Blue Cross or Blue Shield) may have a great or better plan in your area. Or Humana or Mutual of Omaha. Pleasantly asking which they sell will tell you alot. Especially if you are comparison shopping.

What Don’t Medicare Agents Tell You?

We hold agents in high esteem. The vast majority work solely on commission. That means they earn NOTHING until you buy a policy. Imagine going to a lawyer and saying “I want you to spend an hour or more with me for free!” Unless it’s a personal injury contingency case, good luck.

But agents do earn commissions when you buy a policy. The commission is built into the cost (or premium).

Agents selling Medicare Advantage plans earn money too. They even earn when selling you a plan that costs nothing!

After you buy or sign-up, you may never need the agent again. But you may if you are not happy with your choice. And, that’s when having someone local who knows you makes all the difference.

Medicare insurance plans can change. Okay, they DO change. Medicare Advantage plans change yearly. Costs for Medigap plans generallyy increase each year.

Companies sometimes offer bonuses to get agents selling their plans. They could earn a free trip if they sell a certain number of policies.

Agents working in call centers often are guided to sell plans from certain insurers. The insurers pay the call center a hefty amount to “recommend” their particular plan.

The first year commissions tend to be highest. That is fair. Because that is when the agent does most of the work. But they will get paid in subsequent years. So, don’t feel bad when calling them for help or support.

Medicare agents earn very little for helping you pick the best Medicare Part D plan. Maybe $20. Or, sometimes $40. Your best bet today is to use an online comparison tool. The Association makes one available through Ehealth. It’s free and private. It covers over 4,000 Medicare Part D plans. Click this link to access the Medicare Part D plan comparison tool.

A Final Word About Why Local Medicare Agents Can be Better

People generally pick their Medicare plan when turning age 65. Then they live for another 20, 25 or 30 years.

Just like you won’t stay the same, your Medicare plan will change.

Each year a significant number of people are unhappy with their Medicare plan. Costs have risen. Coverage has changed. Service is lousy.

The person answering your call at a Call Center may have your information in their computer. But they won’t really know who you are. That’s the last and final reason that we passionately believe you are best off finding and working with a local Medicare insurance pro.

Thanks for taking the time to read all of this. We hope you found it beneficial.

Medicare insurance expertJesse Slome is director of the American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance as well as the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. He is recognized as a leading expert on financial matters pertaining to seniors and is frequently quoted by major media including The New York Times, tThe Wall Street Journal, Kiplinger’s and hundreds more. Slome is a passionate international traveler and maintains a blog where seniors can find exclusive discount coupon codes for Overseas Adventure Travel and Grand Circle Travel, two of the tour companies he frequently travels with.


Links To Some Valuable Association Resources

See the lowest and highest 2024 rates for Medigap Plan G in top-10 U.S. markets.

Medigap Plan N may save you money. See the lowest and highest rates for 2024 in 10 U.S. cities.

Looking for a Medicare Part D drug plan? Our online Medicare drug plan comparison tool is a great place to start.