Medicare Insurance Leads - Best Medigap Leads - Testimonials from Medicare Agents Listed on National Medicare Insurance Agent Directory

Testimonials From Medicare Supplement Agent Directory Listees Posted

Find Medicare Agents testimonialsA series of new testimonials from Medicare insurance agents listed on the National Medicare Agent Directory were posted by the American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance.

“Following Medicare’s Annual Enrollment period we receive numerous testimonials from agents because we know many consumers utilize the Association’ website to contact local Medicare insurance agents,” explains Jesse Slome, AAMSI’s director.  “We are pleased to have added some of their testimonials which should be of interest to other agents.”

The Association’s directory is a Zip Code based directory. “There are 41,700 Zip Codes in the United States so there are still plenty of areas where agents can be listed,” Slome shared.

Traffic to the Association’s website increased nearly 15 percent during the 2019 Medicare Annual Enrollment period which began October 15 and ended December 7, 2019.

“Consumers can access the national online directory free of charge and without having to enter any personal information,” Slome explains. “This is a significant advantage for consumers seeking local experts without fear of being deluged with hundreds of robocalls or emails.”

To read the Medicare agent testimonials, go to

The American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance is an advocacy and informational organization that supports the industry and insurance professionals who market Medicare insurance options.