Watch free videos on selling Medicare Supplement and Medicare Advantage

10 Videos for agents who sell Medicare products, watch the first few minutes free

Ten videos of the top-rated sessions held at the 2018 National Medicare and Senior Insurance Products Sales Summit have just been posted online.

Access is free to watch the first few minutes from 10 sessions rated as most valuable by agents who attended the Sales Summit. Sessions focus on everything from the latest legislative matters impacting Medigap to sales and marketing of Medicare Supplement and Medicare Advantage products.”

Watch the sessions via the American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance’s website. The 10 sessions were designated the best sessions by attendees from among the 47 total sessions that took place at the event. The daylong program was comprised of four tracks including Selling Medicare Supplement, Selling Medicare Advantage, Selling Senior Insurance products and Lead Generation including using social media.

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Watch Videos from National Medicare & Senior Insurance Sales Summit